
with my work over you, believing is a crucial issue.
it fascinates me how much you believe in illusion and denying certainty.  
television. books. internet.
you all know it's fiction there, which you beautifully create by the way.
but holding so much to your own world of creativity, fantasy and fiction, you truly want to make it true, make it happened.
yes, believing it's amazing power, but to make things happen, you have to act.
and it works the other way.
you will never act until you believe.
that's when my healing fails.
you won't get any better if you let the poison of negativity overtake your perspective.
I can't help you if you believe only in hopelessness.
layD is always surprised seeing you finished much earlier before she collects you.
she doesn't talk, but I know her.
it's actually her surprise which inspired me.
so I'm encouraging you.
live your life.
we will have a lot of time after she will bring you here.
believing it's not only for making healing possible.
it is not accepting the illusion you create yourself.
set of your disappointments, hard experiences and failures exist not to stop you.
they are to make you wiser.


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