
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2017


'Hail Healer!'  Illusion mocked me as always. 'very funny, you insolent bitch. what do you want?' 'so rude! why? don't you know?' she was laughing. I hate when she's got a great humor. it always means trouble. 'how's Love? are you two back together?' I knew it. a single moment of happiness and this one comes ruining everything 'how shall I know? all I see is you. so why don't you do me a favor, turn around, ask your twin brother and tell me' silence I knew mentioning Truth always pisses her off 'my brother...' rage was coming 'you want the Truth, is that so?! Well I can give you a bit. At the end of the millennium we know each other forever. But let me ask you first, you egoistic, harmful bastard, why NOT the Truth on the first place, oi? Why are you always come to me first?! Because  you lie to yourself. Truth.  well, let's SEE.... you are being truly self only when you are with her. You said that yourself. Some s...

love and LayD

Love is so beautiful. I wish I could touch her.  Kiss her.  But she's so far away.  and it was me who turned away.  She's even prettier than last time I saw her.  'why are you dancing with LayD?'  Love was always jealous 'because me and you don't dance anymore.'  I know she wants to update, to know a little more about me. million questions she says when we met century ago, we worked together.  we were giving young people hope, point, future 'now I work with old people. preparing them for a meeting with LayD'  'so you don't help? no more healing?'   'I listen to them. it helps'  'why?'  'they all had loved ones. they are full of stories about you. listening about you reminds me our story. some of them met you for a short time. others knew you longer. when I asked them about their life, all they remember is you'  Love looked at me closely. I'm not used to when she's silent.  LayD never speaks.  It's weird...


Poszedłem do psychoterapeuty: - zakochałem się - żona wie? - jeszcze nie, ale jak znam życie to niedługo się dowie. - i co ci to mówi na temat siebie? -Pani była profesjonalistką. - że mam przeje*#!e (" znalazłem się w sytuacji nie do pozazdroszczenia przyp. od autora) - a kto jest dla Ciebie najważniejszy?Pani była doświadczoną profesjonalistką. - bliźni- postanowiłem iść w zaparte- nie ja, ta druga osoba- brnąłem. -a ona chce?-Terapeutka brała "za godzinę" -powiedziała, że musi to przemyśleć. -a żona? -żona to miałaby jak w raju bo tamta wzięłaby na siebie dokładnie to, co szwankuje. - to w czym problem? - wyczułem, że zbliżamy się do 45 minut - no właśnie tego chciałem się dowiedzieć. Przecież teraz wszędzie tylko praca zespołowa. Wsparcie. Trzeba pozytywnie. Zrozumieć drugiego człowieka... Godzina jak z bicza strzelił. Pani profesjonalnie mnie nie zwymyślała. Ale też nie pożegnała uśmiechem. A ja? No nie żebym przepłacił, bo każdy ma ciężko. Tylko naj...


Desire I remember very well when we were in Paris. Desire has been always very provocative. We were casually sitting, absorbing the atmosphere when she started. I don' t know how she does it. It's just powerful load of expressing herself. Suddenly I see poor fellows being victimized by her charm. Couple guys on a contraction site. And here she goes. She can truly look so intensely atractive that is beyond any description. These guys were stunned. Stopped working. Gazing at her. I bet if talked they would stater. But she blocked their ability to articulate with her seductive domena. 'what are you doing?! Stop it!' I tried to explain danger she puts herself in ' shhhh! Don't spoil it.' she hissed back. Viper. One of these poor guys opened wide his dry mouth with mute disbelief, staring at her tights smoothly sliding one over the other. The another fellow completely forgot what he was doing just a second ago. Only because he met her hungry eyes.  We could both ...

love again

love came back it started at the beginning to experience it as you do i decided to start it i moved hand. i touched kissed. warmth turned into heat almost instantly you all knew that then mess: communication, egoism and possession issues so i thought love doesn't exist if it can be stopped it's all mixture of desire, lust, good wishes, poetry and illusion we want to believe is that why you people get married? because you don't believe, just want to be with someone? when love came she wasn't upset I didn't wait long enough she didn't either messed me up completely turned me upside down, in and out, totally couldn't do ANYTHING without her smell, touch, goosebumps and volcano inside no description available then i tried to stop it will, rules, power of decision you name it. EVERYTHING connected to her destroyed. a lot of time to cover it but just a glimpse proved NOTHING changed NOTHING at all.


destiny is a typical human concept. you define things based on observation. but you don't get it in full. you are capable of abstract thinking, but within your mind limits. that's why you can't comprehend it. you struggle to get the full idea of time (Albert got a glimpse).  there is always : before, now and after for you. that's why you think destiny is some sort of power upon you (typical human insecurity) you cannot fight, change. whatever you think, however destiny seems destructible it was so nice to see you, Love. you look even more beautiful than I saw you last time  

Jeanette Winterson "Przepaść czasu"

Chłopcze, jedną z cech postępu jest to, że nie przytrafia się on każdemu. Nie przeszłość, nie przyszłość, tylko to teraz. Zel nie robi zdjęć i nie nagrywa filmu, bo chce pamiętać źle, ponieważ chwila składa się z tego, czego aparat nie jest w stanie uchwycić. jaki sens ma czas, skoro go nie masz? Młodość jest taka nieodparta. Niezastąpiona. I marnuje się na młodych. Jestem zbyt uczciwy na biznesmena. Pozostaję najzwyklejszym oszustem. Nie wiem gdzie jest Bóg, ale on chyba wie, gdzie jestem ja. Mężczyzna potrzebuje zrozumienia, bo egzystencjalnie jest sam. Wpatruje się w ciemność.