
'Hail Healer!'  Illusion mocked me as always.
'very funny, you insolent bitch. what do you want?'
'so rude! why? don't you know?' she was laughing.
I hate when she's got a great humor.
it always means trouble.
'how's Love? are you two back together?'
I knew it.
a single moment of happiness and this one comes
ruining everything
'how shall I know? all I see is you. so why don't you do me a favor, turn around, ask your twin brother and tell me'
I knew mentioning Truth always pisses her off
'my brother...' rage was coming 'you want the Truth, is that so?! Well I can give you a bit. At the end of the millennium we know each other forever. But let me ask you first, you egoistic, harmful bastard, why NOT the Truth on the first place, oi? Why are you always come to me first?! Because you lie to yourself. Truth. 
well, let's SEE.... you are being truly self only when you are with her. You said that yourself. Some say it's actually Love  who heals. you two seem created for each other, aren't you? so why you are not together... 

there is no point talking back to her
no need
specially, when she shouts

'I run this city' she continued 'not Lucy, not even Boss. this world in front of your eyes, every single person here looking inside his and her own tiny little mobile phone world. They have everything they need in there - money, social, entertainment...all they need is not to see the Truth. And I swear- none of them believe Love is real. They chose me. Why? Because the bit of imagination they have is good enough to make ME real.'
well, she's got the point.
'So that's why I AM here, not the Truth. Because you lie to yourself like humans. When you dream about touching her, kissing tenderly and sensually your precious Love, you are the happiest. Dreaming, not making it true. 
The TRUTH is you would hurt her again!'
'what makes you so sure?'
She smiled wickedly
'Otherwise you two would never, ever split. Did you tell her what are you afraid of? Did she tell you what is she afraid of? Of course not. Because even your fears would hurt each other. And both of you afraid exactly the same thing: that you will never be together.'
'even a moment in Love is worth everything'
'that's me'
'no, that's the Truth'
'how do you know? once you could find out, but you didn't, did ya? you didn't give everything to be in Love, you coward! when you decided she's not real, when you abounded her. Why did you leave?'
'because I'm not here to hurt'
'you hurt the others anyway. you are hurting them by not TRULY loving them. And you are still surprised she didn't run into your open arms. Hahahaha. me, me and ME'
'how so?'
'because you want her to come. Even, when you know she never will'
'she will never come? I will never see her again?'
'I AM here for you '
'that's all bulshit! I saw her this morning. I talked to her today!' 
"Did you really? You saw her eyes? You heard her words? Is that what happened?'
I hate her. So why she's always around?
she smiled.




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