
the point is: we don't need faith. only you.
and I'm really impressed of you. the way you created faith, improved. 
before there was no need for that. 
I mean you didn't need believing. you knew.
as much as we.
you were here with us.
you were so much more similar to us at the beginning...

then your messed up nature.
you always want more and more. 
wanted to know.
to be like Boss. 
over everything.
like Lucy
and just look where did it bring you now. 
creating all this illusion around yourself just to make your existence bearable.  

we don't need faith, because we know. 
we know what it used to be certain for you.
for us it's just obedience and consequences.
and you? 
blaming Lucy of everything.
true, she messed you up.
but you have a lot of her in you. just don't want to admit it.

now you are vulnerable. you need me. 
do you think I exist for you?
I don't have to know.
it doesn't matter to me, because I am obedient.
if i am because of you, I'm glad, because you fascinate me.

the truth is you didn't mean to suffer. 
it wasn't the plan for you. 
Healing is for you,because you harm yourself. 
you keep doing it. 
so proud of your intelligence and still can't see the simplest things. 
pain is as primary as all basic incentives.
problem is your lust and desires are stronger. 
well, that's partially my fault

you simply misunderstand the concept of consequences.
that's why you need faith, because you don't know.


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