
I realize that you don't fully understand what I mean.
You might think it's some sort of fantasy or poetic metaphor.
So let me give you an example of how it works.
She lived close. 
Not going to tell you who she was, because firstly it's confidential, and secondly I don'd want Monica to feel uncomfortable. 

The need of healing is always in your eyes.
You can smile, laugh or be sad, but it doesn't change the look of suffering soul.
I can see it clearly. 
I was surprised to discover that some of you could spot it as well.
I never understood why you are not helping each other when you could see suffering. 
And being focused on your own pain is not an excuse.
Trust me on that: helping others truly heals you.
We met. I looked at her eyes. I knew.
It's natural for me. 
I don't need to be encouraged. I'm not tired. Never fed up with you...
I just do it. 
First she thought we are going to be physical.
Getting physical...
I mentioned that both of us (Lucy and me) took part in 'love project', right?
So we both know how love works.
We both use it. Different reasons and different aspects.
But proper healing needs more than just removing symptoms.
Just because you feel good after sex, it doesn't mean you solved the problem.
And sex is not love, just because you wanted it to be. 
Anyway, we don't do that since Genesis 6:4.
When she realised it's not going to be physical, she started the talk.
It usually starts with the talk, pretty regular, casual monologue. 
And then, with my listening and her getting deeper, healing starts.
Sometimes I touch. 
There could be laughter, crying, silence, rising voice... the soul takes time to clean out of the poison.
Mostly common dirt: disappointment, grief, long term hurt growing deeper into bitterness. 
It took all night.
I remember the next day when she came to thank me.
Everyone who saw us thought we had slept together.
This is how deep your perception is. 
Most of the times you can only see the surface.
After this night she was totally healed, so radiant, full of energy, capable of happiness.
Ever since she helps the others and share the healing.
That's how it works.
Oh yeah... 
And it stops if you don't share it.


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