
there was a guy who was wondering how much he appreciates his wife.
(he would never do that, but she started it: she asked)
he blamed her for everything, so she perfectly filled her role.
he also knew that without her, his life would be even worse.
so, it was too difficult for him to estimate her value, so he put her on ebay.
gave her picture, quite honest item description, but she never reached more than 28.60.
there was a shadow of temptation to finally get rid of her, but the biggest bidder didn't want to pay in advance.
that was the moment when he decided to stay with current situation, rather than put himself into unknown.
even though, he had to pay for cancellation.*
so she cost him extra**, but he still wasn't sure if this puts her value up.

I heard something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it 

but I don't know if this is relevant.

* Therms and Conditions
** as usual


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"to nie tak jak myślisz kotku"