
Wyświetlanie postów z 2016


This morning, being on my district, I've met a girl giving a cup of coffee to the guy sweeping the street.  She works in a posh coffee shop. It was cold this morning and they were both the same nationality.  so when I had a little time to come closer, I went to see what's in her.  soul and heart. There was some happy things to see. she was always working with self absorbed people, and that gave her great ability to see others.  hating egoism by practicing selflessness.  one of my colleagues likes making funny mottoes but the sad story inside this girl was how she became so strong. being good to others is exposing yourself. she experienced being used. so she's lonely  and she shared this cup of coffee in the morning, partially out of loneliness I'm not saying this is the way to find somebody for new year party in Paris, just because she got tickets, but I definitely like to see when you never give up.


                                                                                                                                                                                                    you said: overwhelming. I just described you surprised both of us because we haven't done it before not with each other always busy busy busy your life, my routine and this was so amazing to meet date moment I had t...


just met a girl, one of you. Lucy bullied her with sadness. she wasn't on my rota so instead of healing her I called the ambulance. I'm seriously impressed with your medical skills and knowledge.   Diagnosis  Anxiety attack we spent a moment together. after some time she will think she was lucky. even she didn't want any help and gasping for air she was apologetic for herself that she bothered me, wasted my time. this is exactly why you don't understand happiness. you have theories, you write about it and make movies but when happiness comes, you want more, longer, different or refuse it feeling that you are not worthy.  happiness is like a snowflake. chance of catching one is high but only when it snows.  every single snowflake is different, individual like you.  pretty beautiful  when you froze it to keep it longer, microphotograph it to analize... so funny you clearly don't have a clue purpose  reason why sadness when it melts on your hand...


there was a guy who was wondering how much he appreciates his wife. (he would never do that, but she started it: she asked) he blamed her for everything, so she perfectly filled her role. he also knew that without her, his life would be even worse. so, it was too difficult for him to estimate her value, so he put her on ebay. gave her picture, quite honest item description, but she never reached more than 28.60. there was a shadow of temptation to finally get rid of her, but the biggest bidder didn't want to pay in advance. that was the moment when he decided to stay with current situation, rather than put himself into unknown. even though, he had to pay for cancellation.* so she cost him extra**, but he still wasn't sure if this puts her value up. I heard something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it  but I don't know if this is relevant. * Therms and Conditions ** as usual


ćwiczenie jest złem, i służy tylko tym, którzy nie są idealni. król Julian

i miss him so much !

I was happy to see her. smiled and greeted. 'oh, I miss him so much!' she cried when she saw me. of course she was. they got married in the previous century (literally). he died recently and she is still here. with this unbearable emptiness inside, he used to fill. I used to visit them on regular basis before. but I was coming to see him.  I couldn't help her managing his dementia and I can't absolutely help her now. when the part of your own life is taken away, you realize it was also the meaning and goal. love looking after each other being for each other and now...? you probably understand better than me concept of numbers; they were both over nineties and married most of these years.  short long volume emotions you can't measure love devotion life lost healing is where I can mend but 'the over'- that's something else it's another story that's why you shouldn't waste the infinity you squeezed into clocks creating illusion of control, measu...

Moja opinia

Byłem wczoraj w kościele dwukrotnie  prowokowany: "a jaka jest twoja opinia?" Chciałbym oficjalnie i publicznie ogłosić:  Moja opinia się różni. Różni się od tej jaką miałem 10 lat temu i od tej która została zweryfikowana życiowym doświadczeniem. Różni się od tej, którą ma osoba zadająca powyższe pytanie. Popieram jedność i nie wszczynanie sporów. Uważam, że każdy ma prawo do swojej własnej opinii niekoniecznie identycznej z moją. Doświadczenie mówi mi również, że wolimy przekonywać innych argumentami a nie przykładami własnego postępowania. A ja właśnie raczej odwrotnie: chcesz wiedzieć co uważam to popatrz co robię.


I met layD today. I like her very much. she seems very sweet although I know what kind of inside she's got. she's younger than me. we walked down the river. beautiful. romantic. why? I like her. I miss her sometimes. she's not like my other colleagues i mentioned about her before. but you will meet her. once. every one of you. Halloween is the only time she is cheerful. like tomorrow's wedding or something... all night party... looking at you with disbelief and a bit of curiosity. you try to trivialize her you are laughing today but when you meet her in person you are mostly scared. interesting. we don't meet often it's either me or her we can't visit you at the same time. I remember once I came to visit one of you. I felt chill when I came in the house but didn't see her yet. Came to see a person and felt there was something wrong. he was sick for a long time and he got his bed separate and so on... but I see his wife came to lay next to him, both huggi...


There was a little girl on a train station. Her daddy jumped inside the coach while she and her mummy were running behind. That was when she cried terrified for the first time. The real shriek of horror and bursting with anger, frustration and sense of lost, happened when daddy tried to block the door with her scooter and favourite toy attached to it, fell straight under the train's wheels. 'It was just a toy' everybody thought. Except the girl. Another, entirely different girl in entirely different place was playing with her friends. Suddenly the world around her exploded with fire, dust, smoke and layD dancing around.  They showed her in the news asking you why the lider of her country kills his own people. I hear your mind outbursting: 'how dare you comparing those two!' The truth is you don't give a shit about either of them. equally and that's the comparison.  You create definition of words like empathy. But it's just a word or empty sound.  The emp...


I realize that you don't fully understand what I mean. You might think it's some sort of fantasy or poetic metaphor. So let me give you an example of how it works. She lived close.  Not going to tell you who she was, because firstly it's confidential, and secondly I don'd want Monica to feel uncomfortable.  The need of healing is always in your eyes. You can smile, laugh or be sad, but it doesn't change the look of suffering soul. I can see it clearly.  I was surprised to discover that some of you could spot it as well. I never understood why you are not helping each other when you could see suffering.  Why? And being focused on your own pain is not an excuse. Trust me on that: helping others truly heals you. Anyway.     We met. I looked at her eyes. I knew. It's natural for me.  I don't need to be encouraged. I'm not tired. Never fed up with you... I just do it.  First she thought we are going to be physical. Getting physical... I mentioned that ...


the point is: we don't need faith. only you. and I'm really impressed of you. the way you created faith, improved.  before there was no need for that.  I mean you didn't need believing. you knew. as much as we. you were here with us. you were so much more similar to us at the beginning... then your messed up nature. you always want more and more.  wanted to know. to be like Boss.  over everything. like Lucy and just look where did it bring you now.  creating all this illusion around yourself just to make your existence bearable.   we don't need faith, because we know.  we know what it used to be certain for you. for us it's just obedience and consequences. and you?  blaming Lucy of everything. true, she messed you up. but you have a lot of her in you. just don't want to admit it. now you are vulnerable. you need me.  do you think I exist for you? I don't have to know. it doesn't matter to me, because I am obedient. if i am because of you, I'm...

Biuro matrymonialne 'Rzetelność'

Ponieważ jestem nieśmiały z natury a jednocześnie nie jestem  największym fanem samotności, postanowiłem zwr óci ć się o pomoc do specjalistycznej instytucji. Tam się  o kazało, że muszę tłumaczyć  czego chcę , co przyznam się szczerze, wzbudziło moje pierwsze wątpliwości co do profesjonalizmu usług  tej  firmy . -Chodzi o to, co jest dla pana najważniejsze. Bardzo często dostajemy zbyt długą listę wymagań co dyskwalifikuje potencjalne kandydatki. Może studiowałem nie to co trzeba i pracowałem nie tam gdzie wszyscy, ale to koleżanki uświadomiły mi  co jest  wśr ód  nich  najbardziej  niespotykane a przez to najcenniejsze . - Wierność. Chciałbym kobietę ,  z kt ór ą spędzę całe życie. -Nasza firma daje  gwarancję . Jeśli nie spełnimy pana oczekiwań, zwrot koszt ów  i anulowanie zwi ązku. I rzeczywiście. Gwarancja wierności matrymonialnej  miała  tak i typ urody, który  nawet w kubizmie nie zain...


Gdy duszy duszno w szufladzie ciała A wokół ciebie tyle łajz Dopóki dusza jeszcze cała Wyłaź z szuflady, wyłaź z szuflady, wyłaź z szuflady Przejdź: Kingsajz to high, gdzie wszystko naj To seks, to luz, to utracony raj Kingsajz dla każdego: i ty możesz wielkim być Małym nic do tego, mierz wysoko, swoje myśl a mój kolega z zuchelków, co też kiedyś był w kinksajzie, to mówił, że tam są takie takie...kobiełki kobiałki, palancie kobietki  a to prawda, że one są takie miętkie i takie pachnące? 'Szum Lasu raz' 'Szum Lasu? Sam bym się napił. Gdzie byliście, kumotrze, przez ostatnie dwa lata. Sprzedaż napojów sfermentowanych wstrzymano aż do odwołania.'


fascinated how quickly you lose ability to experience pure, ultimate and overwhelming joy. why? you can't replace it with desire drive and pleasure. it's not the same.  with desire comes 'more'. with pleasure 'not enough'. joy is like happiness.  that is why you have less and less of it. but you don't have to. don't calculate it you can not organize it scheduling,  exercising,  daily routine joy... no way remember? it wasn't that long ago when you were laughing jumping no reason needed why? why not! it's much healthier. i'm worried about you


with my work over you, believing is a crucial issue. it fascinates me how much you believe in illusion and denying certainty.   television. books. internet. you all know it's fiction there, which you beautifully create by the way. but holding so much to your own world of creativity, fantasy and fiction, you truly want to make it true, make it happened. yes, believing it's amazing power, but to make things happen, you have to act. and it works the other way. you will never act until you believe. that's when my healing fails. you won't get any better if you let the poison of negativity overtake your perspective. I can't help you if you believe only in hopelessness. layD is always surprised seeing you finished much earlier before she collects you. she doesn't talk, but I know her. it's actually her surprise which inspired me. so I'm encouraging you. live your life. we will have a lot of time after she will bring you here. eternity believing it's not onl...

John 19:22

remembering, memories... it was when Lucy was still with us. the Boss gave us project. it was about joining two, the most important directives given to you: 1. be in constant relation with the Boss 2. well you know the second very well, multiplication we did a lot of work, both of us. it wasn't it is not easy for you to love. I still remember her wicked, devil look when I was so concentrated and all she was doing - distraction. we deeply got involved. that's why this is the strongest drive you have. very often it leads you to Lucy but it also makes you feel better with its healing power. that's my part. such a shame that most of the time you explore it only on erotic level.  when love breaks your heart you fall into pieces. but also can save you, heal you, bring all these pieces together. that's because we see it differently.  when I was fascinated by giving, she excited herself with taking.  she ripped a bloody patch of myself.   I keep this emptiness to r...

Pesymista vs Optymista

'Jak mówi Andzrej Poniedzielski- optymista twierdzi, ze swiat stoi przed nim otworem, pesymista wie dokladnie, ktory to jest otwor' z ksiazki Artura Andrusa ' Boks na ptaku' rozmowa z Maria Czubaszek i Wojciechem Karolakiem


Kiedyś, jeszcze na praktykach w Centrum łączyliśmy różne żywioły. Trochę z ciekawości, bardziej dla eksperymentu połączono ogień, delikatną wrażliwość i słodycze. Dużo. Wyszła tancerka.  'Nie tańczysz?' spytała. 'Nie. Kiedyś tańczyłem. Potem trochę grałem. Teraz nawet gitary  nie mam . Czasem jeszcze trochę śpiewam, ale sam, żeby nikt nie słyszał.' 'To po co śpiewasz?' 'A ty? Po co tańczysz?' 'Bo żyję' Ciekawe. Jesteście naprawdę fascynujący. 'Trochę jak szczęście, trochę spełnienie, może ucieczka... Tańczę bo chcę!'  Pewnie dlatego ja już nie gram. W zasadzie to miałbym na czym...  No, ale bez chcenia jest tylko udawanie, przyzwyczajenie i prowizorka. Jak wasze małżeństwa. A ona wręcz była tańcem. Mam nadzieję, że jeszcze tańczy, chociaż u was wszystko ogranicza czas.

Od żony, z Joemonstera

"Poważny związek jest wtedy, gdy nie jest ci z nią do śmiechu."


Ludzie, powiedzcie mi dlaczego, z własnej woli, robimy sobie krzywdę? I nie wciskajcie mi iluzji którą nieudolnie mamicie samych siebie, bo żadne pieniądze, a już na pewno nie te marne, niewystarczające, nie pokrywają tego przykrego i dojmującego bólu pożegnania się z ciepłem, komfortem i kołderką.  Jeszcze nie tak dawno, kiedy nie trzeba było weryfikować prawdziwości powiedzenia, że wszystko przemija, w zastępstwie/ następstwie, było gorąco poranka. Rozkosz nawet spóźnienia się do pracy, ze słodkim trwaniem smaku miłości i pogniecionej koszuli, wcześniej przecież prasowanej, przypominającej o intensywności poranka. Wtedy przynajmniej pojawiają się kolejne pytania: zaraz, co to miało być teraz...? Gdzie...? Wtedy zaleca się powrócić do miejsca w którym się było, podobno pomaga.  A dzisiaj jedyną rekompensatą jest zemsta. Ja musiałem wstać to i ja kogoś obudzę.  A wtedy to samo okrutne pytanie zabrzmi i nie usłyszy odpowiedzi:  Dlaczego?!  

Woody Allen

“Standing in a garage no more makes you a car than standing in a church makes you a Christian.”